Hi. I'm Carolyn Walsh.

I'm a full stack software engineer based in NYC. I have experience with Ruby, JavaScript, and ReactJS, and I love nothing more than learning new skills and technologies. Except for cookies. I really love cookies.

My liberal arts eduction makes engaging with interesting people and complex ideas a specialty, and my background in manufacturing startups means I have a ton of practical experience in problem-solving on a deadline and designing scalable solutions.

Here’s what I'm working on:


A single-page library management app built with Ruby on Rails, a PostgreSQL database, and ReactJS with Redux.

Create libraries and add books manually or via a Google Books search!

live    |     github

Bubble Jam

A bubble-popping match-three game built with JavaScript and HTML5's Canvas API.

Challenge yourself--how long can you stay ahead of the bubbles?

live    |     github


A lightweight JavaScript library for easy DOM maniuplation and traversal, event handling, and AJAX requests.

Check out the simple book list demo for a taste of what starDOM can do!

demo    |     github

Here's what I'm working with:

Let's talk!